Ashley Eltorai, MD
Critical Care Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH
Medical School
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
American Board of Anesthesiology- Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Professional Organizations
American Society of Anesthesiologists
Szabo A. Intrapartum neuraxial analgesia and breastfeeding outcomes: limitations of current knowledge. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2013 Feb;116(2):399-405.
Szabo A, August DA, Klainer S, Miller AD, Kaye AD, Raemer DB, Urman RD. The use of emergency manuals in perioperative crisis management: a cautious approach. Journal of Medical Practice Management, 2015 Mar-Apr;30(6 Spec No):8-12.
Edrich T, Stopfkuchen-Evans M, Scheiermann P, Heim M, Chan W, Stone MB, Dankl D, Aichner J, Hinzmann D, Song P, Szabo A, Frendl G, Vlassakov K, Varelmann D. A Comparison of Web-Based with Traditional Classroom-Based Training of Lung Ultrasound for the Exclusion of Pneumothorax. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2016 Jul;123(1):123-8.
Szabo Eltorai A, Huang CC, Lu JT, Ogura A, Caterson SA, Orgill, DP. Selective Intraoperative Vasopressor Use is not Associated with Increased Risk of DIEP Flap Complications. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2017 Jul;140(1):70e-77e.
Eltorai AEM, Szabo AL, Antoci Jr. V, Ventetuolo CE, Elias JA, Daniels AH, Hess DR. Clinical effectiveness of incentive spirometry for the prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications. Respiratory Care, 2018 Mar;63(3):347-352.
Eltorai AEM, Baird GL, Eltorai ALS, Pangborn J, Antoci V, Cullen AH, Paquette K, Connors K, Barbaria J, Smeals KJ, Agarwal S, Healey TT, Ventetuolo CE, Sellke FW, Daniels AH. Perspectives on incentive spirometry utility and patient protocols. Respiratory Care, 2018 Jan 23. pii: respcare.05872.
Eltorai AEM, Baird GL, Eltorai ALS, Panborn J, Antoci V, Cullen AH, Paquette K, Connors K, Barbaria J, Smeals KJ, Agarwal S, Healey TT, Ventetuolo CE, Sellke FW, Daniels AH. Incentive Spirometry Adherence: a National Survey of Provider Perspectives. Respiratory Care, 2018 Jan 23. pii: respcare.05882.
Eltorai AS. Lessons from the sky: an aviation-based framework for maximizing the delivery of quality anesthetic care. Journal of Anesthesia, 2018 Feb 23.
Eltorai AEM, Baird GL, Pangborn J, Eltorai AS, Antoci V Jr, Paquette K, Connors K, Barbaria J, Smeals KJ, Riley B, Patel SA, Agarwal S, Healey TT, Ventetuolo CE, Sellke FW, Daniels AH. Financial Impact of Incentive Spirometry. Inquiry, 2018 Jan-Dec;55:46958018794993.
Eltorai AEM, Eltorai AS, Fuentes C, Durand WM, Daniels AH, Ali S. Financial Implications of Physician Specialty Choice. R I Med J (2013), 2018 Oct 1;101(8):50-55.
Martin TJ, Patel SA, Tran M, Eltorai AS, Daniels AH, Eltorai AEM. Patient Factors Associated with Successful Incentive Spirometry. R I Med J (2013), 2018 Nov 1;101(9):14-18.
Eltorai AE, Choi AR, Eltorai AS. Impact of Electronic Cigarettes on Various Organ Systems. Respir Care 2018 Nov 6. pii: respcare.06300.
Eltorai AEM, Martin TJ, Eltorai AS, Baird GL, Healey TT, Daniels AH. Utility of Inspiratory Volume in Incentive Spirometry. R I Med J 2018 Dec 3;101(10):37-40.
Eltorai AS. Periprocedural pulmonary aspiration: An analysis of medical malpractice cases and alleged causative factors. J Eval Clin Pract. 2018 Dec 12. doi: 10.1111/jep.13086
Eltorai AE, Martin TJ, Patel SA, Tran M, Eltorai AS, Daniels AH, Baird GL. Visual Obstruction of Flow Indicator Increases Inspiratory Volumes in Incentive Spirometry. Respir Care. 2019 Jan 22. pii: respcare.06331.
Eltorai AEM, Baird GL, Eltorai AS, Healey TT, Agarwal S, Ventetuolo CE, Martin TJ, Chen J, Kazemi L, Keable CA, Diaz E, Pangborn J, Fox J, Connors K, Sellke FW, Elias JA, Daniels AH. Effect of an Incentive Spirometer Patient Reminder After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surg 2019 Apr 10.
Martin TJ, Eltorai AS, Dunn R, Varone A, Joyce MF, Kheirbek T, Adams C Jr, Daniels AH, Eltorai AEM. Clinical management of rib fractures and methods for prevention of pulmonary complications: A review. Injury 2019 Apr 22. pii: S0020-1383(19)30251-7.
Eltorai AS. Malpractice litigation in cardiac surgery: Alleged injury mechanisms and outcomes. J Card Surg. 2019 May;34(5):323-328.
Hartnett DA, Eltorai AM, Ahmed SA, Daniels AH, Eltorai AS. Malpractice Litigation Related to Endotracheal Intubation-Related Complications. Journal of Medical Practice Management 2019 Sept/Oct; 35(2):104-111.
Eltorai AS. Medical malpractice in interventional cardiology: identifying patterns and areas for improvement. Interventional Cardiology 2020 July 20; 12(4). Patel K, Eltorai AS. Medical Malpractice Cases Involving Anesthesia Awareness. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 2021 Mar 4;71:110225
Labeau SO, et al. Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study. Intensive Care Med. 2021 Feb;47(2):160-169.
Eltorai AS. Procedural Sedation by Non-Anesthesiologists: A Review of Malpractice Litigation. Journal of Legal Medicine 2022 Jan-Jun;42(1-2):67-74.
Shaw RC Jr, Vines DL, Mirza SH, Eltorai AS, Benavente JL. Evaluating a Potential National Board for Respiratory Care Credential for Pulmonary Disease Educators. Chest 2023 Feb 9:S0012-3692(23)00174-5.
Leadership Role
Dr. Eltorai serves on two ASA Committees: Quality Management & Department Administration and Professional Liability.
Professional interests
Dr. Eltorai holds a special interest in quality improvement and is also a Juris Doctor candidate at UConn School of Law.
Personal interests
In her spare time, she enjoys running, hiking, international travel, baking, fishing, and gardening.
Why did you decide to become a physician?
I became an anesthesiologist because I greatly value the ability to build rapport, make patients comfortable, and put them at ease during a very stressful day in their lives. The physiology and pharmacology are fascinating!