
Safely delivering anesthesia is a substantial responsibility, and one that we take very seriously at Woodland Anesthesiology Associates. Whether in the operating room, procedure room, intensive care unit or pain clinic, our physician anesthesiologists are committed to delivering the safest medical care that every patient deserves before, during and after surgery. 

Even though anesthesia is safer than ever, the administration of anesthesia is a complex and technically demanding medical procedure. As a result, we require our doctors to have up to 14 years of medical education and up to 16,000 hours of clinical training experience. This level of expertise is critical to evaluating your medical condition, recommending an appropriate anesthesia plan, diagnosing and treating problems that might surface during a procedure, and making critical, split-second decisions that can save your life.

Your anesthesiologist is an important member of your surgical team

Before undergoing a surgical procedure, you may wish to know who will be providing your anesthesia. You may want to speak with them to answer your questions and concerns. Additionally, your anesthesiologist may have questions for you… and will want to know your medical history, as well as any medications you currently take.

You have the right to choose your anesthesiologist. If one of the doctors at Woodland Anesthesiology Associates has been assigned to your upcoming surgical procedure, you are always welcome to contact them with any questions or concerns.

To learn more about Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, visit one of the links below.

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